The actor admitted he's implementing all kinds of tactics to try to get his 6-month-old daughter, Daisy Dove, to say "Dad" before "Mom," or any other word for that matter.
On Friday, Feb. 26, he told Graham Norton that he's been using catchy songs to try to persuade Daisy to say her first words.
Orlando said it began his when his fiancé, Katy Perry, was pregnant and he would sing to her baby bump. "I'm constantly talking to it, chanting, singing to it," he shared. "Now I sing anything that has 'Daddy' in it. I'm like just because I want her to say 'Dad' before she says anything else."
The Lord of the Rings alum then blessed us with a sample of his lullabies when he sang, "I'm like, 'Daddy loves his Daisy Dove.'"
We can't help but wonder how Katy (ahem, a 13-time Grammy nominee) feels about his shenanigans. Orlando confessed the American Idol judge probably has a better singing voice than he does. He joked of his baby girl, "She's like, 'Yeah, Mom's gonna be much better at this than you.'"
So, for all the effort Orlando is putting in, is it paying off? The Outpost star proudly explained, "Actually she sort of has said a bit of 'Dada' every time I come up. She's very excited to see me."
Earlier this month, Katy told Jimmy Kimmel that having a baby is "the best decision I've ever made in my entire life." The "Roar" singer went on, "I have family and support, and I've got an incredible fiancé who has done this before—he has a 10-year-old son."
She said Orlando's past parenthood experience has "actually helped" when raising Daisy, sharing, "Oh, you've had a run at this. You know how to do this.'"
Check out his adorable interview above.
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